Breast cancer is one of the most familiar forms of cancer in women. even the causes of the breast cancer are not completely known , reports from Canadian Cancer Society shows that breast cancer mortality rates have fallen by 25 %over the past two decades and that increasing numbers of women are surviving and living longer after abreast cancer finding five years survival rates now go over 86 %.More over, this gains are being credited largely to early deduction through screening programs which began about 20 years ago .In Canada, it is show that the women from 50 to 69 undergo mammography a n X-ray of the flexible tissue inside the breast every 2 years. There is no doubt that doing X-rays will detect more cancerous tumors then not doing it . The breast cancer screening has become an iconic act and so Women have to do a screening mammogram at least once every two years based on their
personal risk factors and the advice of their health care provider.
In recent years, screening programs and better treatments have helped decrease the number of women who die from breast cancer. See your doctor about breast screening programs available in your province or territory.
A study from the Cochrane Collaboration show that women undergo regular mammograms are about 15% less likely to die of breast cancer than those who don’t .Also, the review from American collage show that
The risk reduction in the women older than 50 was 22%
personal risk factors and the advice of their health care provider.
In recent years, screening programs and better treatments have helped decrease the number of women who die from breast cancer. See your doctor about breast screening programs available in your province or territory.
A study from the Cochrane Collaboration show that women undergo regular mammograms are about 15% less likely to die of breast cancer than those who don’t .Also, the review from American collage show that
The risk reduction in the women older than 50 was 22%
1 comment:
Hi, Khuloud. You've made a beautiful blog with a sensible phrase! Breast cancer is a big concern among women, and it is a good news that many breast cancers are detected early bringing death rate down.
By the way, I like the idea of Macrobiotic (vegetarianism established by a Japanese J.Osawa)and read a lot of books. It tells that dairy (cow milk) food gives very bad effect especially on women's organs like breast,womb,etc. This fact is not publisized widely, but I wanted to write it down here just for your (or for someone close to you who suffers diseases of those organs)information.
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